Beyond Green Consulting

Weakness in the Face of Racism

Weakness in the Face of Racism

The siege of Ottawa shows that Canada refuses to stand up to White Supremacist Racism. This reluctance is pretty disappointing for most Canadians to watch. It is something I experienced in the human rights tribunal. It is hard for people watch the Ottawa Police refusing to arrest protestors, and it was very difficult for the Tribunal to refuse to address the racism of mascots. 

Systemic Injustice is a documentary that explains what I learned fighting Indigenous mascots. I did a follow up written piece Systemic Injustice and Indigenous Racism that takes a look at the denial of Indigenous Racism in hockey. 

Why the government refuses to uphold the law in the face of white supremacist racism enrages me. Those responsible for ensuring our society treats everyone equally are refusing to do their job. They have the power to uphold the law based on their discretion, without judgement or responsibility for the exercise of that discretion. 

Click on poster image to view the documentary.